CFD Chemical Replenishing Pump
Resolution up to 1.0 mL/shot offers finer flow adjustment
The resolution of the CFD-1T-B has been greatly improved compared to our existing models. The minimum flow of 1mL/shot offers greater accuracy in chemical condensation control that is required in the wafer cleaning process. The CFD-1T-B always feeds the correct quantity of chemical without overshoot, eliminating excess liquid wastage. In addition, the anti-siphon mechanism prevents unintentional siphoning.

Max. Capacity: Up to 30 mL/min
- Capable of 1% repeatability leading to the efficient use of chemistry and fast replenishment without over-shooting the target.
- PTFE and PFA wetted parts ensure process purity, as does an integral leak detection sensor.
- Integration with existing process controllers is simple.
- Design includes optical position sensor and integral leak sensor.
- Suction and discharge ball check valves reduce the number of fittings associated with external valving and make installation easy.