M-Series Chemical Process Pumps
Chemical process pumps are specialty pumps designed for transferring chemicals in manufacturing facilities and process applications. These pumps are designed to be maintenance-free and corrosion resistant primarily used to pump toxic and hazardous chemicals. Our collection features three chemical process pumps – MDM Series, MXM Series, and MDW Series. Iwaki’s M-series chemical process pumps are designed to solve the most demanding chemical handling applications. The M-series of pumps feature a unique non-contact system design that enables them to withstand dry running in comparison with conventional magnetic drive pumps. Browse our extensive portfolio to the find the best chemical transfer pump for your application!

MDM Series
50 - 350 GPM / 32 - 300 FMDM Series
Max Discharge Capacity:
50 – 250 GPM
Liquid Temperature Range:
250 PSI

MXM Series
25 - 160 GPM / 25 - 140 ftMXM Series
Max Discharge Capacity:
25 – 160 GPM
100 – 600 LPM
Max Head Range:
25 – 140 ft
7.5 – 42 m

MDW Series
210 - 1320 GPM / 105 - 329 ftMDW Series
Max Discharge Capacity:
210 – 1320 GPM
800 – 5000 LPM
Max Head Range:
105 – 329 ft
32 – 98 m
Applications of Chemical Process Pumps Offered by Iwaki America
Our chemical transfer pumps are used in the following industries:
- Chemical Manufacturing
- Metal Finishing
- Chemical Toting and Packaging
- Metal Pickling
- Mining
- Paper Mill
- Ethanol – Bulk Metering
- Chlorination Plants
- Refineries
How to Choose the Right Chemical Transfer Pump for Your Application
The following are some important factors to consider when choosing a pumps for your application:
- Materials of construction: Iwaki offers both Stainless Steel and lined magnetic drive pumps. Acids like hydrochloric and sulfuric acid are corrosive in nature. Hence, when choosing a pump you must check their compatibility with the chemical being pumped. Our MDM series chemical pumps are designed for transferring chemicals like sulfuric acid and bleach. They feature corrosion resistant ETFE and PFA internals. Iwaki Stainless Steel pumps are ideal for higher temperature applications.
- Performance Specifications: The performance of a pump depends on factors like flow, pressure, and maximum operating temperature. For instance, our MDM series pumps are designed for capacities up to 350 GPM and temperatures up to up to 300°F; MXM series pumps can handle capacities up to 146 GPM, and MDW series up to 1320 GPM.
- Type of Fluid Being Transferred: Chemical transfer pumps are designed for transferring different types of fluids, such as acids, caustics at a variety of temperatures. When pumping fluids with solids ensure to choose a pump that can handle solids. For instance, if your application features up to 10% solids, you can consider MDM pumps equipped with a specialty bearing for slurries.
- Quality Standards: All Iwaki pumps are manufactured to ISO9001 standards.
Are you looking for chemical process pumps for your challenging fluid transfer applications? Get in touch with our team today. You can call us on 508.429.1440 or e-mail us at info@iwakiamerica.com.