Application | Power Generation
Pumps are an essential part of any power generation facility. Chemicals are needed in many aspects of the process. Iwaki America offers both chemical transfer and injection pumps. The quality of fluids used in power generation is critical, and chemical transfer and injection pumps are essential components of power generation systems that help maintain this quality. These pumps are used in various applications of power generation plant, including water treatment, emissions control, boiler feed water treatment and cooling water treatment.

MX(F) Series
225 GPM / 128 ftMX(F) Series
Max. Capacity:
225 GPM
852 LPM
Max. Head:
128 ft
39 m

SMX(F) Series
132 GPM / 119 ftSMX(F) Series
Max. Capacity:
132 GPM
Max. Head:
119 ft
36 m

MD/WMD Series
35.6 GPM / 66.6 ftMD/WMD Series
Max. Capacity:
35.6 GPM
135 LPM
Max. Head:
66.6 ft
20.3 m

Metallic Series
24 GPM / 92 ftMMP Series
Max. Capacity:
24 GPM
90 LPM
Max. Head:
92 ft
28 m

MDM Series
350 GPM / 350 ftMDM Series
Max. Capacity:
350 GPM
1400 LPM
Max. Head:
350 ft
107 m

MXM Series
160 GPM / 140 ftMXM Series
Max. Capacity:
160 GPM
600 LPM
Max. Head:
140 ft
42 m

MDW Series
1320 GPM / 329 ftMDW Series
Max. Capacity:
1320 GPM
5000 LPM
Max. Head:
329 ft
98 m

Metallic Series
340 GPM / 390 ftMP Series
Max. Capacity:
340 GPM
1290 LPM
Max. Head:
390 ft
118 m

IX Series
80 GPH / 250 PSI / 140 SPMIX Series
Max. Capacity: 80 GPH
Max. Pressure: 250 PSI
Strokes per minute: 140 SPM

LK Series
856 GPH / 145 PSI / 116 SPMLK Series
Max. Capacity: 856 GPH
Max. Pressure: 145 PSI
Strokes per minute: 116 SPM
For example, chemical transfer pump are capable of injecting chemicals such as chlorine into the water treatment process to prevent the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms in the water. Additionally, these pumps are used to inject chemicals into fuel oil, such as demulsifiers, which help in separating water from the fuel and ensures efficient combustion in the boilers. Chemical injection pumps are used to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the exhaust gases & prevent corrosion and scale formation in the boiler feedwater and cooling water systems.